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Using Independent Pharmacies


April 16, 2024

Chris (he/him) describes the difficulty he has had filling prescriptions that treat his chronic illness since the COVID pandemic began. He discusses not taking his medication for 6 months due to the difficulty dealing with under-staffed corporate pharmacies that could not get his prescription filled and facing long wait times trying to communicate with them. Chris then covers the success he has had in working with a smaller, independent pharmacy in his area when trying to fill his prescription. He also found success working with a smaller medical office, where he sees a Primary Care Provider (PCP), who was able to provide more individualized care and help him get his prescriptions filled.


Video Length: 4:22

Tags: Using the Pharmacy, Working with Providers


Chronically Informed:


Why Independent Pharmacies Remain a Pillar for Access, Community Health - Pharmacy Times Article:


What is a Primary Care Provider? - Website:


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